Printed Circuit Board Design

Our company can provide service to deliver a complete and fully functional PCB from schematic entry to board bring up.

The general progression for a commercial printed circuit board design would include:

– Schematic capture, with a joint work with the customer to choice the best components in term of cost, reliability and delivery time issues.
– Board layout with a particular care in component placing and critical net routing in order to minimize EMI/EMC, to be compliant with safety standard (e.g. creepage and clearence distance), to have a good power dissipation and to minimize cost as much as possible.
– We are to manage critical board containing Microstrip, stripline or dual stripline, antenna (e.g. for RFID)

– Gerber file generation for manufacturing.
– Bill Of Material generation

– PCB ramp up
– PCB functional validation

If PCB manufacting is required we can outsource the activity to a selected and trusted suppliers or let the customer